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NWA 15915   contributed by Dustin Dickens   MetBul Link

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Photo by Dustin Dickens.   Copyright (c) Colorado Center for Meteoritic Studies.

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Thin section.   Achondrite-ung

TKW 2.84 kg. Fall not observed. Purportedly found near Aougrout, Algeria. The largest stone was purchased from the finder October 2022.


Dustin writes:
ransmitted light photomicrograph of the monomineralic ungrouped achondrite NWA 15915, likely paired with Ksar Ghilane 022/023 (*provisional). The silicates in this ungrouped clinopyroxenite are almost entirely iron-free pyroxenes. It has strong affinities with the aubrites in this way, as well as containing aubrite-like monosulfides. It’s this highly reduced chemistry, oxygen plotting to the TFL, and unique monosulfides, that have researchers (including us) hypothesizing it formed in the inner Solar System and may be from Mercury.

This image was taken at the University of Colorado at Boulder’s Raman Laboratory using the Horiba LabRAM HR Evolution Raman microscope / spectrometer with a 50x objective while researching the composition of these unique monosulfides with Raman spectroscopy. Image has been enhanced with post processing using ImageJ.

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NWA 15658
Sue Spinnato

This Month

Steve Brittenham
 5/8/2024 8:41:27 PM
I understand iron quenches fluorescence. If my understanding is correct, then I suspect that's part of the reason for this meteorite's fluorescence that I described in my recent post. Definitely a fascinating meteorite!
Sue Spinnato
 5/8/2024 6:06:58 PM
WOW..... Great picture Dustin!
Murray Paulson
 5/8/2024 3:31:35 PM
Nice modern art. It would look good on my wall.
Bernd Pauli
 5/8/2024 11:12:52 AM
Another kaleidoscope of colora! Beautiful!

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