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Erg Chech 002   contributed by Scott McGregor, IMCA 8154   MetBul Link

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Copyright (c) See Contributor's comments.
57.9 gram full slice. 115 x 100 x 2 mm.   Achondrite-ung

TKW 22.86 kg. Fall not observed. Found May 2020, Adrar, Algeria.

From the MetBul:

The stones under classification (combined weight 31.783 kg) lack fusion crust, and have an overall relatively coarse grained, tan and beige appearance with sporadic larger green, yellow-green and less commonly yellow-brown crystals (up to 9 cm by 4 cm in some specimens).


Scott writes:
Erg Chech 002 is already well represented on MPOD (7 other entries), but some new material recently became available that is especially pretty and shows two distinct lithographies. In this material, there’s the "typical" Erg Chech 002 fine grain lithography, and a more gemmy and crystalline form seen in most of this slice. Perhaps these are due to two separate magma flows, with the crystalline one cooling more slowly to allow the longer crystals to form?

Pics 1/2: Front polished and back unpolished

Pic 3: Backlit photo after cutting (credit: Craig Zlimen)

Copyright Scott McGregor and may be freely used with attribution.

Found at the arrow (green or red) on the map below


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Brian Cox

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John lutzon
 8/16/2024 7:55:20 PM
Another stunning puzzle part to the 002. Thank you.
Anne Black
 8/16/2024 7:42:20 PM
Yes Scott, and it is even more colorful as a thin-section under polarized light.
Scott McGregor
 8/16/2024 4:25:06 PM
John, Mark Lyon tells me this slice was cut from a recently found 1513 gram stone. Craig Zlimen mentioned that he's cut about 11kg of slices over the years. From what I can gather, your 50kg estimate is probably close.
Scott McGregor
 8/16/2024 4:13:17 PM
Mike, thanks for the comment about spinifex texture in komatiites-- had to web search that one and found the Alex Strekeisen article. Interesting how those are formed by quenching of olivine and likely something similar going on in EC 002. By the way for those who have pieces of this in their collection-- try a bright UV light (365nm) in a dark room and you'll see green fluorescence in cracks and vugs, and also fairly long phosphoresence. Probably terrestrial carbonates, but fun anyway (thanks to Steve Brittenham for pointing this out)
Mike Simms
 8/16/2024 3:00:13 PM
Just acquired a slice like this myself. These new slices have an amazing appearance that reminds me of spinifex texture seen in terrestrial komatiites. I look forward to hearing more thoughts on what is going on in EC 002. It is clearly more complex than we thought.
John Divelbiss
 8/16/2024 1:29:23 PM
nice slice Scott...does anyone know the near TKW now (ie. 50 kg +/-) and the biggest stone, main mass, found to date? Not necessarily what the MetBull says.
Horst Wagner, IMCA#9404
 8/16/2024 11:42:45 AM
Wow! I don't know why but this stone makes my mouth water... Thank you for this beauty!
Steve Brittenham
 8/16/2024 8:52:15 AM
Definitely an impressive slice! Thanks for sharing such an amazing example.
Mendy M Ouzillou
 8/16/2024 8:31:00 AM
This slice is really top notch. Congratulations Scott.
Graham Ensor
 8/16/2024 3:20:13 AM
Wonderful specimen!
 8/16/2024 3:10:27 AM
Wonderful slice, Scott, a real miracle. Erg Chech of it's very best.
Andi Koppelt
 8/16/2024 2:50:47 AM
Congrats for this gem, Scott. Best fullslice of Erg Chech 002 I ever saw.

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